The University of Prince Edward Island is currently developing an Islandora 8 Research Data Management (RDM) Platform that focuses on enhancing Islandora 8 to add features to support the research data lifecycle: planning, deposit, publication, citation, sharing, and preservation. The first release of the Islandora 8 RDM Platform, planned for Q2 of 2020, will support the migration of existing Simon Fraser University (SFU) and University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) platforms and will include collaborative cloud-based shared microservices.

The Islandora 8 RDM Platform will include research data management features with a national linked data focus, bringing together external, locally managed, and shared services applied throughout the research data lifecycle. The development of the Islandora 8 RDM Platform includes the following features:
- Metadata and Discovery
- Data Object modelling
- Integration of ontologies
- Publish to external sources
- Enrich from external data sources
- Expose for harvesting
- Surface in external services
- Federated Repositories / Interoperability
- Leverage Fedora’s and Drupal’s RESTful APIs
- Integration with cloud-based processing services
- Integration with DataCite
- Integration with ORCID
- Simplified deployment
- Multitenancy
- Scalability
- Data Deposit and Curation
- Improved support for large files
- Simplified deposit and curation workflows
- Form-based data management planning tool
- Preservation
- Fixity auditing (Automated checksum creation and validation)
- Migration tools to support import and export of content
- Preservation planning and actions framework
- Data Privacy and Security
- Access control and permissions
- Support for emerging regulatory frameworks like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Persistent IDs/Citability
- DOI creation framework
- ORCID integration
- Citation generation
- Data Access and Analytics
- Data can be downloaded
- Data visualization
- Metrics integration
Islandora 8
Islandora 8 is an open-source software repository solution designed to help organizations collaboratively discover and manage digital assets using a best-practice, standards-based preservation framework. The latest release, Islandora 8 is a solution for institutions and organizations who want an extremely flexible and configurable preservation repository with increased discoverability for its users. Islandora has been installed by a diverse community with over 200 recorded installations worldwide.
Islandora 8 integrates the Drupal Content Management System (Drupal 8) and Duraspace's Fedora Repository System (Fedora 5). The types of content currently supported by Islandora 8 include Collections, Images, Audio, Video, PDF and allows other types of data to be modelled as Binary. The Islandora 8 community is planning support for Books, Newspapers, Serials, and “Compound” Objects.
Islandora 8 allows you to create nodes, media, files, and taxonomy terms in Drupal, which are converted to RDF and pushed into a Fedora repository. It also allows you to connect repository content with microservices, small webapps that transform files to other types for display or preservation, or to extract additional metadata.